方法: 利用expect编写sshkey.exp在远程主机上生成id_rsa,并重定向到本地.在利用noscp.exp.把文件复制到远程主机
步骤:(本方法在centos6.4 上验证通过)
1 本地执行
ssh-keygen -t rsa
2 编写脚本生成 authorized_keys (比如现在有cloud1 和 cloud2 服务器)
./sshkey.exp cloud1 root root123 | grep ssh-rsa >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
./sshkey.exp cloud2 root root123 | grep ssh-rsa >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
3 对于需要建立免密码输入的,把文件拷贝上去
./noscp.exp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys cloud1:~/.ssh root root123
./noscp.exp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys cloud2:~/.ssh root root123
4. 脚本说明
./sshkey.exp 主机名 用户名 密码 (在远程主机生成id_rsa)
./noscp.exp 本地文件 远程路径 远程用户密码 (无密码拷贝文件)
每个主机上必须安装 openssh-clients
if {$argc<3} {
puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 host user passwd "
exit 1
set host [ lindex $argv 0 ]
set user [ lindex $argv 1 ]
set pwd [ lindex $argv 2 ]
set timeout 30
#spawn ssh ${user}@${host} "rm -rf ~/.ssh/id_rsa*"
#expect {
# "*yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue }
# "*password:" { send "$pwd\r"; exp_continue }
spawn ssh ${user}@${host} "ssh-keygen -t rsa"
expect {
"*yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue }
"*password:" { send "$pwd\r"; exp_continue }
"Enter file in which to save the key*" { send "\n\r"; exp_continue }
"Overwrite*" { send "y\n"; exp_continue }
"Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):" { send "\n\r"; exp_continue }
"Enter same passphrase again:" { send "\n\r" }
spawn ssh ${user}@${host} "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
expect {
"*yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue }
"*password:" { send "$pwd\r" }
expect eof
if {$argc<4} {
puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 localfile remotefile user passwd "
exit 1
set localfile [ lindex $argv 0 ]
set remotefile [ lindex $argv 1 ]
set user [ lindex $argv 2 ]
set pwd [ lindex $argv 3 ]
set timeout 30
spawn scp ${localfile} ${user}@${remotefile}
expect {
"*yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue }
"*password:" { send "$pwd\r" }
expect eof
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